
We are Wet Dog Weather, a Software as a Service (SaaS) company that specializes in enterprise-level solutions for weather & sensor data dissemination and visualization.

Weather Model Visualization as Your Competitive Edge

Weather model visualization is vital for conveying improvements and value. Visual representations can distinguish your meteorological data from the competition.

GeoJSON: Simplicity and Versatility in the World of Geospatial Data

GeoJSON, popular for sharing geospatial data, has strengths and limitations. Explore when to use—and when to avoid—this open data standard.

Unraveling The Complexities Of Weather Data Processing

Discover key insights on handling time zones, forecasts, and caching in weather data processing. Learn from our years of experience in this complex field.

Have a project in mind?

We are a Software as a Service company, and we charge accordingly. Our customers rent their own Boxer stack and gain access to our Terrier front-end libraries. We process a variety of standard data sets, which is…. standard. But we also process custom data you may buy or generate yourself. That’s where things get interesting