Stunning Weather Visualization, Designed to Impress

Stunning Weather Visualization, Designed to Impress

Data Visualization

We excel at transforming complex weather data into visually stunning and interactive displays for web and mobile applications. 

Software as a Service

Receive tailored, seamless ingestion, processing, and delivery of diverse weather data models and formats to match your specific needs.

Custom Data Sets

Our team of experts will use your unique data sets to create a weather visualization tailored to your preferences. 

Who We Are

Wet Dog Weather was founded to provide cutting-edge weather and sensor data to enterprise and consumer application markets. We deliver top-quality weather data to drive impressive weather visualization. Despite being a small company, we are dedicated to offering the best real-time weather data visualization services available.

Our work is proudly featured in products such as Carrot Weather and TruWeather Solutions‘ V360. Additionally, we fully support industry standards such as WMTS and WMS. While this may not be the primary reason for choosing our services, it is a bonus.

What We Build

Wet Dog Weather provides comprehensive visualization data from public repositories and proprietary models, giving unparalleled insights into current and future conditions. Our platform transforms raw data into engaging visuals, allowing you to grasp complex weather patterns and make informed decisions quickly. Our customers can rapidly integrate and customize our web or mobile visuals into their offerings.





Have a project in mind?

We are a leading Software as a Service provider and charge according to the value we deliver. Our customers have the option to rent their own Boxer stack and gain access to our top-of-the-line Terrier front-end libraries. We handle a wide range of standard data sets, a routine practice. In addition, we also process custom data that you either purchase or generate yourself. Customization is where our expertise and innovation come into play, making things even more interesting. Let’s work together on your weather visualization project!
